S1E9 - “Derailed”

Open on BAU Headquarters in Quantico, VA. We learn that Elle is on a train from El Paso Texas Dallas TX. She is on her way to do a custodial interview with William Devries for a VICAP questionnaire. Devries is a child murderer. This is Elle’s first interview. Elle calls Gideon because he’s nervous and he has no time for her.

On the train, we get flashbacks from  the passengers on Elle’s train car. Which is the only car we learn anything about. We meet Josh Patel who was just expelled from Gillete University (In WY??) for driving his car into the library building while drunk. We learn that he’s on the train because his dad has thrown him out of the house. We meet Elaine Curtis who just discovered an unwanted pregnancy and is headed to Dallas to terminate it. Harry Anderson whose wife just filled for divorce, we learn he is traveling with a gun to shoot his wife who is in Dallas? Linda Deaton who is an author and renown psychologist who is taking a patient of hers to Dallas for a conference as an example of the progress being made to relieve severe psychosis.

Two men sitting near Elle notice her reading a FBI file, Ted and Leo. We learn that Ted is Linda’s patient. The train screeches to a stop, a police officer (he’s dressed as an officer but they call him a guard) comes on and says that someone jumped in front of the train. Ted has a psychotic break when he sees the officer/guard talking to Elle. Ted kills the officer and also takes Elle’s gun. Leo tells Ted that he’s doing a good job. The police surround the stopped train and hostage negotiators fail to get Ted to release any hostages.

The BAU learns of the hostage situation in Texas, and Gideon realizes that Elle is on that train. The team heads to Texas, possibly they fly in the jet? Morgan sends Garcia video footage so that she can attempt to figure out who is on the train.  The FBI have a live video feed from the train’s camera and can see everything that is happening in the train as we see it. We learn from JJ that the unsub (we know it’s Ted) refuses to speak to anyone but “the higher authorities”.

Linda attempts to reason with Fred. Josh says “Lady your boyfriend is whacked out of his mind” To which Linda replies: “He’s not my boyfriend.”

The BAU arrives. We meet Frank Moretti from the Dallas FBI office. Moretti asks how the BAU will be able to reason with this unsub if he’s so psychotic. Reid says: “Some psychotics believe they’re being sent messages by the government, god, even aliens. 

On the train, Ted grabs Elaine Curtis (pregnant lady) and forces her to call the FBI with phone that I guess the hostage negotiators gave him earlier? Ted tells her not send them any secret messages or code. Gideon answers the phone. Ted makes Elaine ask Gideon questions. Elaine asks what part of the government he works for. Gideon lies and says “We don’t work for the government”. Morgan explains to Moretti- “the less he says the more mysterious we seem, the higher an authority we become”. Gideon refuses to talk to Elaine, makes Ted get on the phone. Ted deduces correctly that they are the FBI “If you’re the higher authority then you can have it removed.” Gideon plays along and says it will take some time. Ted gives the BAU an hour to remove whatever it is.

On the train, Elle tries to get the other passengers to help the BAU figure out what exactly Ted wants removed. Linda makes a big show of touching Ted’s arm, showing that he has a bunch of scars on it like he’s tried to pull something out of his flesh. The BAU deduce that he believes he has a microchip implanted in his arm. 

Garcia fills Morgan in on the deets of all the hostages. We learn that Ted is actually Dr. Theodore Bryar who is a renown physicist and expert in “M Theory” which is the Theory of everything? Apparently Ted has been living in a mental health facility in El Paso for 9 years. The BAU decides to fake removal of a microchip. Reid reveals that he’s an amateur magician. Morgan tries to get Reid to teach it to him, but Reid says: “I’ve been practicing this my whole life”. OKAY NERD! 

Josh tries to reason with Ted, and that doesn’t work. Linda tries to reason with Ted, it doesn’t work. Elle tells Ted that if he hurts one more person on the train that she will not allow the FBI to remove the microchip. Hotch pulls a microchip out of a walkie talkie for Reid to use. Morgan advises Reid to not make eye contact with Elle and to pretend he doesn’t know her. Reid drops the chip and EVERYONE is worried about him cocking this up. Reid says: “Can you guys do me a favor? Can at least one of you look like you’re gonna see me again?”

Reid makes a huge show of pulling a microchip out of Ted’s arm. Ted asks Reid to turn the microchip on. Reid and Elle tell Ted that the microchip has to be implanted to be turned on. Josh says: “See? Dude actually had a chip in his arm.” Josh goes off, Ted shoots Linda. She’s injured but not dead. Ted tells Gideon that “it all ends today” meaning that he has decided on an end game and is going to kill himself and the hostages. Ted then shoots the FBI telephone.

Reid notices that Ted is talking to someone that no one else can see “Leo”. Reid and Elle say each other’s names like obviously they know each other?? Reid profiles so hard, Reid starts talking to Leo and pretends that he can see him. Reid tells Ted that he has the tools to see the strings? Harry Anderson shoots Ted and he’s taken into police custody. Gideon asks Elle if he’s alright and she says “I’m fine Dad” and he tells he “Don’t ever call me dad again.” Elle asks Reid why he told Ted that he “knows what its like”.

Rating Criteria

  • Criminal/Serial Killer: 15/20

  • Character development/ character arcs: 10/20

  • Forensics/Context: 5/20

  • Script writing: 5/20

  • Background characters: 5/20

  • Overall: 37/100


S1E10 - “The Popular Kids”


S1E8 - “Natural Born Killer”